Reset passwords with mobile app

We know what it’s like to get blasted with helpdesk calls after every holiday and vacation period. As long as people use passwords, people will forget passwords. Which is why we’ve made resetting passwords even easier with our mobile app.

The Specops Password Reset app is available to all of our password reset customers, as a secure alternative to resetting passwords and unlocking accounts. This works for customers using Specops uReset.

It uses the same secure approach to changing passwords that we’ve always believed in, but now lets people use their phones and tablets. And to cover the bases the app is available free of charge in Windows Store, Google Play and Apple’s App Store.

Customers that take advantage of the mobile app have users that are mobile. Two examples include Allan Myers, where users access project information through iPads while on construction sites and Loughborough Endowed Schools who has rolled out 1-to-1 iPads to students and staff.

Who is it for?

Anyone who forgets their password. Any company or organization can give their users the power to reset their passwords. It’s secure and easy.

What does it do?

The app uses an email address to identify a person. Then the person either answers questions via their device, identifies themselves with a number of pre-defined identity services or with a mobile verification code.

Where can I get the app?

Windows Store

Google Play

App Store

What if I’m not a customer?
What are you waiting for? Our password solutions delivers everything needed to increase password security, without compromising usability.

(Last updated on October 30, 2023)

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