The Force won’t save you from these breached passwords #StarWarsDay

Star Wars Stormtroopers

If your colleagues are Star Wars fans, they might be at risk for breached password use. On May the 4th, the unofficial Star Wars fandom holiday, Specops Software investigated which Star Wars themed passwords were most popular in breached password lists. This new research also coincides with the latest update to the Specops Breached Password Protection list.

According to our new research, which analyzed more than 800 million breached passwords, a subset of the more than 4 billion breached passwords in Specops Breached Password Protection, fan favorite Yoda took the #1 spot, showing up on breached password lists nearly 37,000 times. After that, “starwars” itself took the number two spot, showing up over 22,000 times with the adorable “ewok” trailing close behind at over 17,000 times.

Top 20 Star Wars themed passwords found in breached lists:

  1. yoda
  2. starwars
  3. ewok
  4. hansolo
  5. darthvader
  6. bobafett
  7. darthmaul
  8. grogu
  9. obiwankenobi
  10. lukeskywalker
  11. macewindu
  12. anewhope
  13. plokoon
  14. mandalorian
  15. princessleia
  16. kyloren
  17. kuiil
  18. iamyourfather
  19. quigonjinn
  20. rogueone
2022 weak password report image
Password attacks are on the rise. The 2022 Weak Password Report has insights into just how vulnerable passwords truly are.

“I might be the biggest Star Wars fan at Specops, so I understand why Star Wars is such a source of inspiration for passwords” said Darren James, Product Specialist at Specops Software who has a Death Star clock in his office. “But the Force can’t save you from breached passwords. Only a solution like Specops Breached Password Protection can.”

Today also marks the addition of over 3 million leaked passwords to the Specops Breached Password Protection list. Specops Breached Password Protection blocks the use of over 4 billion known breached passwords in Active Directory.

You can find out how many of your Active Directory users are using leaked passwords like these by running a free read-only scan with Specops Password Auditor. Read more and download it here.

There are ways to prevent people from using leaked passwords. Specops Breached Password Protection works together with Specops Password Policy so that companies can block all passwords found on the list of over 4 billion compromised passwords, making it easy to comply with industry regulations, such as NIST or Cyber Essentials. The service blocks people from choosing banned passwords in Active Directory and informs the user as to why they cannot use the password.

About Specops Software

Specops Software is the leading provider of password management and authentication solutions. Specops protects your business data by blocking weak passwords and securing user authentication. With a complete portfolio of solutions natively integrated with Active Directory, Specops ensures sensitive data is stored on-premises and in your control. Every day thousands of organizations use Specops Software to protect business data.

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Scan Active Directory Against 950 Million Compromised Passwords

(Last updated on September 26, 2024)

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