Authentication policy for users outside scope

If an authentication policy is created for the administrators and/or helpdesk group, but they are outside the Secure Service Desk Gatekeeper’s group must be granted permission to read/write relevant information on the user objects.

Complete the steps below to allow administrators/helpdesk users outside of the Secure Service Desk.

Pre-requisites: The Active Directory PowerShell snapin

  1. Save the script below into a file (e.g. “C:\Scripts\uResetUserPermissions.ps1”)
  2. Dot source the script into a PowerShell session.
  3. Run the Grant-uResetPermissionForUserOutsideScope cmdlet for each user outside the scope that needs to enroll with Secure Service Desk.



Shell Script

# "Dot source the script to load the 'Grant-uResetPermissionForUserOutsideScope' cmdlet.
                . C:\Scripts\uResetUserPermissions.ps1  
                # Run this script for each user outside scope that needs to enroll with uReset
                # GatekeepersGroup: sAMAccountName or DN of the Gatekeepers group (default is 'Specops Authentication Gatekeepers')
                # TargetUser: sAMAccountName or DN of the target user
            Grant-uResetPermissionForUserOutsideScope -GatekeepersGroup 'Specops Authentication Gatekeepers' -TargetUser JohnDoe



Shell Script

$VerbosePreference = 'Continue' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'  
                function Grant-SpecopsPermissionForUserOutsideScope { [CmdletBinding()]
                param(     [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]     [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
                [string]$GatekeepersGroup,       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
                [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]     [string]$TargetUser,  
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]     [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
                [string]$MobileNumberAttribute='mobile' )     $VerbosePreference =
                'Continue'     $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'       Write-Verbose
                "Gatekeeper's group: $GatekeepersGroup"     Write-Verbose "Target
                user:        $TargetUser"       $domain = Get-ADDomain     try     {
                $gkGroup = Get-ADGroup $GatekeepersGroup
                $gatekeepersGroup = $domain.NetBIOSName + '\' +
                $gkGroup.sAMAccountName     }     catch     {         throw ("Could not
                find Gatekeepers group ('{0}') failed." -f $GatekeepersGroup)     }  
                try     {         $user = Get-ADUser $TargetUser
                $targetUserDn = $user.DistinguishedName     }     catch     {
                throw ("Could not find target user ('{0}') failed." -f
                $TargetUser)     }       [array]$permissionsArray = @(
                'CCDC;classStore;',                       # CreateChild
                DeleteChild         'LC;;',                                   # List
                children         'RP;userAccountControl;',
                'RP;pwdLastSet;',                         # Force password
                change         'RP;lockoutTime;',                        # Reset if
                locked out from AD         'RP;tokenGroups;',                        #
                Determine group membership           # mobile attribute - change if
                using a custom mobile attribute
                "RPWP;$MobileNumberAttribute;"            # Read+Write mobile
                number     )       $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder  
                [void]$sb.Append('"')     [void]$sb.Append($targetUserDn)
                [void]$sb.Append('"')     [void]$sb.Append(' /G')  
                $permissionsArray | foreach {         [void]$sb.Append(' "')
                [void]$sb.Append(':')         [void]$sb.Append($_)
                [void]$sb.Append('"')     }       $commandLine = $sb.ToString()
                function RunDsAcls($commandLine)     {         $startInfo =
                New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
                $startInfo.FileName = 'dsacls.exe'         $startInfo.Arguments
                = $commandLine         $startInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
                $startInfo.CreateNoWindow = $true
                $startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
                $startInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true           $process =
                New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process         $process.StartInfo =
                $startInfo           Write-Verbose ''         Write-Verbose "dsacls
                $commandLine"         Write-Verbose ''         $process.Start() |
                Out-Null           $stdout = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
                $stderr = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()  
                $process.WaitForExit()           if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0)
                {             $msg = ("dsacls failed with exit code {0}." -f
                $process.ExitCode)             Write-Verbose $stdout
                Write-Verbose $stderr             write-verbose $msg
                throw $msg         }           Write-Verbose $stdout
                Write-Verbose "dsacls completed successfully."     }  
                Write-Verbose ''     Write-Verbose "Will grant permission for
                `"$($gatekeepersGroup)`" to operate on `"$($targetUserDn)`"."
                Write-Verbose ''       RunDsAcls $commandLine }