Registry Settings

The Specops Password Notification Server service reads the values stored in the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Specopssoft\Specops Password Notification\Server at startup.

Value Description
Debug This values controls if verbose logging should be enabled or not. Set this value to 1 to enable verbose logging. Default value is 0.
EmailSenderWorkerThreadCount This values specifies the number of threads that will be used to send password expiration notification emails. Default value is 10.
LogFilePath If Debug is enabled, this will be the name of the log file. Default value is C:\SPEXSERVER.LOG.
ManagementLevel Active Directory scope that the service operates on when searching for user accounts. Can be the domain level or any organizational unit. Specified as a distinguished name.
PollingTime Time that the service starts checking for expiring user passwords and sending e-mails. Specified as HH:MM. Default value is 00:00.
PreferredDomainController Domaincontroller that’s used by the service when operating against Active Directory. If no value is specified, then the domaincontroller will be used that the server has established a secure channel with.
SearchPageSize This value controls the maximum number of objects that are returned in a single search result. Default value is 1000.