Organization: Norden Machinery
Country: Sweden
Industry: Manufacturing

Goal: Ensure that employees that work in different time zones always have access to their accounts. Minimize loss of working hours and decrease need for IT support.
Result: Productivity loss is minimized as users can now unlock their account and reset their password, from any internet connected device, regardless of location and time of day.
Solution: Specops uReset

Have you ever thought about how your toothpaste tube or hair gel tube gets filled? Neither have we and we can admit taking it for granted. Norden Machinery is the company that enables many of the products we all use in our everyday lives. They manufacture and sell tube filling machines to mainly large corporations, such as Oriflame and Unilever. Based in Sweden with about 270 employees, they have customers in more than 60 countries.

The Challenge
Norden Machinery struggled to support employees travelling and working from different time zones. When locked out of their accounts, outside Swedish working hours, they had to wait until the next day to access their accounts. This resulted in a loss of working hours and frustration for employees and IT staff. As a temporary solution they used a “password never expires” policy, which presented them with major security issues. Manually unlocking accounts was also becoming too time consuming and inefficient.

Getting up and running
Norden Machinery chose Specops uReset to allow employees to reset their passwords from any location. After about 3 months the majority of their employees were up and running, and today, less than a year later, they have almost full enrollment to the service. Employees can access instructions on the Intranet and receive emails explaining the new service.

Jonas Lind, IT-technician, says: “Specops uReset is user friendly and intuitive, which resulted in very few questions and a quick adoption.” The identity services that are a good fit with their needs include Mobile BankID, mobile code, Specops Authenticator, Facebook and Google. The plan is to upgrade and get started using Fingerprint as authentication method as well. Most of the questions they get from users are privacy concerns regarding using private logins, such as Facebook, for business purposes.

The Results
With Specops uReset, employees are now able to access their accounts through self-service regardless of location and time of day, which has had a huge impact on work productivity. The number of helpdesk tickets has decreased considerably since they started using Specops uReset: “Usually the week after the long Swedish summer vacation is peak season for resetting passwords manually,” says Jonas. “That’s a non-existing problem today, which was a pleasant bonus! We would definitely recommend Specops uReset to others. It was a quick ROI for us.”

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See how Specops uReset can work for your team.